
Lucky Bamboo Care

The lucky bamboo is one of the most popular FengShui cures for home or office. It is estimated that bamboo has been a symbol of good fortune in Asian culture more than 4000 years. According to a study by NASA, bamboo is indeed one of the houseplants that are good for cleaning and purifying the air. Along with converting carbon dioxide, they also remove benzene and formaldehyde.
Why is it considered lucky?
Bamboo in itself is an amazing plant that brings a very peaceful and wise energy into your home. It teaches the ultimate wisdom: how to be flexible and hollow (open) on the inside, so that the spirit can freely flow and heal your being.
If you are lucky enough to have bamboo growing in your garden, you know how soothing, almost transcendental, the sound of it is. The same is true for bamboo FengShui wind chimes, as well as the energy of bamboo floors.
The number of bamboo stalks means:
• 2 for Love & Marriage
• 3 for Happiness
• 5 for Health
• 8 for Wealth and Abundance
• 9 for Good Fortune
• 21 for All-purpose Blessing
Caring Tips:
Light: Bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight and too much sunlight.
Water: Use room temperature filtered water or rainwater. Do not use the water with fluoride, high chlorine or salt contented. Change the water completely every couple of weeks.
Temperature: No lower than 50°F.
Fertilizer: Lucky bamboo doesn’t require much fertilizer and can survive in pure water for quite a while.